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Home School

Montana- Home School: Other Projects


ARM 10.55.601

Private accreditation can be obtained for homeschool in Montana, however, no Montana homeschool program will meet the accreditation requirements of the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

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ARM 10.55.901-10.55.902

Curriculum must be organized and include the instructional subjects required by public school. The basic education program for elementary students as well as students in the middle grades should be aligned to program area standards. The program must contain content-specific grade-level learning progressions allowing the students to meet the content standards.


The Board of Public Education may approve a seven or eight grade program that is aligned to the middle school philosophy or the departmentalized philosophy. The middle school philosophy focuses on the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of students. In order to properly develop these aspects, a middle school must demonstrate flexibility in philosophy. This philosophy demonstrates flexibility in the approach to instruction, scheduling and teaching strategies as well as the undertaking of interdisciplinary work. Coursework is to be created and implemented with the intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs of students in mind. Curriculum must include english language arts, mathematics, physical and life sciences, social studies and health enhancement with an overarching incorporation of critical and creative thinking, career awareness, lifelong learning and safety. If choosing to follow a departmentalized philosophy the middle school curriculum must include one unit of english language arts, social studies, mathematics, science and  one half of a unit for health enhancement. Students must have the opportunity to select from the half unit electives of  visual arts, music, career and technical education and world languages and cultures. Reading literacy and writing literacy instruction must be incorporated in all mandatory programs as well as in elective programs. 

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ARM 10.55.603 & MCA 20.2.121

Montana state-level assessment is mandatory for all public schools and accredited non-public schools. State level assessments are not mandatory for students who are homeschooled.

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MCA 20.5.109

Montana homeschool students must be taught and housed in a building that meets all local health and safety regulations.

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MCA 20.5.109

Student records on attendance and immunization must be obtained and stored, available upon request.

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MCA 20.5.111

Homeschool may be conducted by a parent who provides instruction to the parents child, stepchild or ward. The parent providing instruction is responsible for the educational philosophy of the homeschool, selection of instructional materials (curriculum and textbooks), time and location of instruction and the method of instruction. The parent is also responsible for the evaluation of the homeschool instruction.

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 MCA 20.5.109 

In order to qualify for compulsory enrollment exemption as a home school. The school must notify the county superintendent of schools in the county in which the homeschool is located for each fiscal year the student(s) is homeschooled. The minimum hours of instruction shall be met in accordance with MCA 20.1.301 and 20.1.302.

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